2021 October 1
Avatar image for Roger Anderssen

Clutter be Gone! 30 Days to Triumph Over Home Clutter

When it comes time to tackle the clutter issue in your home, from experience, it’s easy to procrastinate as often the amount of things which need to be done can seem overwhelming. For me at least (and I’m sure for a lot of people), it makes more common sense to reduce the clutter in smaller “portions” over time – A much more practical approach!

This of course is a process to start long before relocating to your smaller (or “Tiny”) home. Most especially in my opinion, so that the build-up of clutter does not begin again at your new home.

Table of Contents

In a prior post where I wrote about the 7 Important Spaces to Declutter before Downsizing, the focus was on common issues found in each of the major home spaces, as well as highlighting the difference between organizing and decluttering. One takeaway was:

“…Discard things first, and organize what’s left afterwards. (Because organizing is not decluttering, as organizing is just moving clutter into neater piles)…”

and for sure, it’s a lengthy process!

Some of my neighbours asked me to provide a follow up post, illustrating how I broke the declutter process down into tiny bites over a one month period. In reality, decluttering is an ongoing process – And yes, it needs to be entrenched long before downsizing (in this case to a small home).

What I’ve done in this post is to put together a bite sized one month (30 days) “daily to do list” of smaller activity sessions to help you reduce your clutter (in an easier to manage way). In my opinion, doing it this way, in smaller chunks, makes the process to get rid of clutter less overwhelming. Besides, doing a bit each day becomes a breeze. The end result is you will have accomplished in removing a lot of clutter without trying to slog though a huge mountain all-at-once. This is not a one-size-fits-all calendar – Different homes have different needs, different types of clutter, etc., instead I’ve address some of the most common clutter challenges that can be targeted.

Here’s How it Works

The declutter process is broken down into six common clutter areas, which are highlighted in the “30 Days to Clutter Victory” calendar.

Garage clutter
Bedroom clutter
Kitchen  clutter
Living Room  clutter
Bathroom clutter
Wardrobe  clutter

What does this help you accomplish? It provides a simple, smaller, daily activity in each area, to quickly reduce the most common clutter. Also, because clutter is reducing, you’ll feel much better and be on your way to a smoother downsizing to a small or tiny home. What’s more, if you have all family members use the calendar, it helps keep clutter away in the future.

Download The Calendar

30 Days to Clutter Victory!

This calendar is designed to work with the information in this post. It helps you to remain focused on the specific task each day. It’s important to realize, the content her cannot possibly cover all aspects of clutter (everyone lives different lives), therefore it is important to include specific clutter challenges you have, and adjust to your specific needs!

With some effort and diligence each day, I was able to drastically reduce my initial clutter. The 30 day approach will helped get rid of the initial amount of clutter level, then I spent the next few days following up on areas that needed a bit more attention.

A Few things I Needed to Invest In:

What Things Need to be Done

The following are some of the things I did to declutter the targeted areas. This will help make the calendar even more useful (value added notes), as well as helping to motivate. Don’t forget to get your copy of the calendar before moving forward!


Day 1 – Garage Shelving
Remove all items off all shelves. Sort through the items and only return items (to shelves) that you truly use on a regular basis. Things that are broken or not working properly, discard. Other’s that you don’t use on a regular basis, consider donating, or otherwise giving away.

Day 2 – Garage Tools
Discard broken tools that cannot be fixed. Tools that are no longer used, donate, sell, or give to friends.

Day 3 – Garage Supplies
Discard old paint and other chemicals. Remove old electronics, discard broken, donate unused.

Day 4 – Garage Storage
Remove all items in storage or boxes. Again discard broken, etc. and sell or donate the unused items.

Day 5 – Garage Vehicles
Remove all items and sort through them. Discard trash, and donate unused. Return what’s left (make sure it’s used).


Day 6 – Living Room Pictures
Remove old faded pictures. Remove pictures that are outdated. Keep pictures to a minimum. Some extra pictures (artwork) might be able to be sold or donated. Check frames are in good repair, removing pictures where frames are broken.

Day 7 – Living Room Bookcase
Remove all publications. Keep only those you are using. Some books can be sold. Consider giving the remainder away.

Day 8 – Living Room Decorations
Remove all knick nacks from surfaces. Only return a select few that are actually used. Discard or donate the remainder.

Day 9 – Living Room Plants
Declutter the jungle! Remove excessive plants. Discard extra plants that contribute to clutter. (Yes, it’s hard).

Day 10 – Living Room Furniture
Furniture never used, remove. Remove excessive cushions, covers, etc. If lamps are not working remove them.


Day 11 – Bedroom Nightstands
Empty out all nightstands. Sort through items and discard broken or unused. Remove electronic items that are not used, or can be donated. Give away or otherwise discard old things such as books, magazines, etc.

Day 12 – Bedroom Bed
Check all items under the bed. Remove old or unused things. Again, give away or donate things no longer used.

Day 14 – Bedroom Counters
Clear off all counter space. Limit tissue boxes, pictures, books, etc. Discard or donate judiciously.

Day 13 – Bedroom Bins / Baskets
Send old ripped clothing to trash (or recycling). Downsize to one laundry bin. Remove excessive storage containers.

Day 15 – Bedroom Drawers
Empty all remaining drawers. Use the keep, discard, donate approach. remove drawers (furniture) no longer needed.


Day 16 – Bathroom Accessories
Remove duplicate items (combs, curling irons, etc.) Wherever possible store accessories in drawers, etc. to reduce clutter. Remove vanity items and items that are not used on a regular basis. Discard broken items.

Day 17 – Bathroom Cabinets
Empty and only return things that are regularly used. Remove duplicate items and those that do not work properly.

Day 18 – Bathroom Medication
Check the expiry date of all medication. Expired medication should be returned to the pharmacists for safe disposal.

Day 19 – Bathroom Shower
Remove clutter by reducing shampoo bottles, soaps, and other personal hygiene products or equipment.

Day 20 – Bathroom Cosmetics
Check the expiry date and discard expired. Never used cosmetics can be given away before they expire.


Day 21 – Kitchen Fridge
Check all products in the fridge and freezer area. Remove all expired items. Remove “Saved” items that will not be used (remove foods you won’t eat). Where possible revise and reduce the stock levels of items stored in the fridge. If there is more than one fridge, see if it is possible to sell or donate the extra fridge.

Day 22 – Fridge Counters
Remove all items, return only those regularly used. Remove or donate unused and duplicate equipment.

Day 23 – Fridge Cupboards
Discard or donate extra items (dishes, etc.) that would not be missed. Keep those regularly used.

Day 24 – Fridge Pantry
Again, discard expired. Also remove things not regularly used. Consider giving away “special” items.

Day 25 – Fridge Cookbooks
Too many cookbooks is a common clutter issue. Keep one or two. Give away the rest (consider online resources).


Day 26 – Wardrobe Clothing
Remove all clothing that does not fit your personal style. Remove clothing that you have not worn. Donate, sell, or recycle where possible. Any clothing that is damaged, and you need to keep, repair it and then ensure it’s used regularly. Consider the “Capsule Wardrobe” concept.

Day 27 – Wardrobe Hangers
Remove all extra hangers and those that are broken. Hangers build up over the years. Plastic hangers go to recycling.

Day 28 – Wardrobe Shoes
Nice shoes (that don’t fit anymore) are often saved, instead remove them. Keep only a minimum of usable shoes.

Day 29 – Wardrobe Luggage
Old luggage, broken luggage stored away can be removed. Only keep the amount of luggage you actually use regularly.

Day 30 – Wardrobe Accessories
Again, remove duplicates, discard broken. Keep only what is regularly used. Discard, recycle, or donate the rest.

Tips to Clutter Victory

  • Declutter first, then organize afterwards (don’t get stuck only cleaning)
  • Start with the easiest areas first
  • To motivate yourself, take a before and after photo
  • Complete some clutter removal every day
  • Do not overdue it (getting exhausted and having a bad experience is not positive motivation)
  • Each day, set aside just 30 minutes for your activities
  • If you are motivated and have a lot of energy… Keep going with removing the clutter
  • Adjust the calendar to your specific needs
  • Be authentic to yourself, always focusing on action! – Get it done.

Ongoing Clutter Control

After all the work to remove clutter, it’s important to remain as clutter free as possible prior to moving to your new smaller home. Keep motivated! Here are 7 simple objectives to keep in mind (and keep you moving forward to living in a less stressful home):

  • If there is one area you need to keep returning to declutter, consider why, and make adjustments to avoid constantly focusing on that area
  • Don’t procrastinate, if there’s an issue, fix it right away (don’t put it on a list for some other day)
  • Complete a full declutter project at least 1 or 2 times each year
  • As you move forward, get into a schedule (which develops a good habit naturally)
  • Recruit the others living with you, when everyone pitches in, clutter seldom stays long
  • Some spaces might need more attention than others, adapt and take action!

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