Find My Canada is a personal blog focusing on services and products in Canada.
Some of the driving impetus behind the idea was to find useful things that are within Canada, for Canadians. After all… Why go somewhere outside when we have something just as good (or better) here at home?

Table of Contents

In many respects (for me at least) this journey (so far) has been an eye-opener, our home has so many innovative, cutting edge offerings, many of which I was not aware. While working or enjoying personal life, I often found myself trying to find local products and services, based in part on the idea “is it already available here”, as well as “let’s help support our own country, province, community – invest in ourselves”.

So… In a nutshell “Find My Canada” is about:

  • Reinvesting in ourselves (buy local)
  • Supporting what’s good and helping foster further growth
  • Providing a place where I, and others, can go to find something Canadian (or ask to be included within this blog, for others to find
  • Promoting the good services and offerings here in Canada
  • And… Hopefully grow into a resource that we can all use!

On a personal note…

I’ve spent many years in management, with responsibilities including annual P&L budgets of, opening brick & mortar operations from the ground up, building and selling online businesses, as a lead technical network engineering instructor, website design, hosting server sysadmin, coordinating and bringing to fruition several online projects, responsibility over management teams and employees, marketing campaigns, among many other experiences. In all that time, invariably the businesses, products, or services were not “Canadian” owned, in many cases under the umbrella of off-shore ownership and operations. It often left me wondering why we should better invest in Canada.

Again, why “Find My Canada”…?


Buying Canadian, contributes to the growth of our communities. It makes us all part of something bigger, enriching us all. It helps people grow and prosper. Very simply put… Buying products made in Canada supports our communities!


Buying local helps reduce our carbon emissions – Products (and services) made close to home reduces transportation costs (and often reduces excessive packaging). Why by something from the other side of our planet, when the same (or better) is available right here? Buying Canadian helps improve the environment for everyone!


Buying Canadian provides positive impact to our economy. When we spend our money in Canada it has a far reaching effect beyond simple profitability. We are all part of a cycle, that effects every chain in the link. By investing in our own communities we are helping ourselves secure jobs, start new businesses, engage in research, and much much more! What’s more, when our businesses and initiatives succeed, they give back to the very communities that support them. In turn more of us Canadian find rewarding jobs, and so on. Buying in Canada supports our growth.


Don’t just fly flags, have pride in the communities we live, by buying products and services produced in Canada, which supports all of us. Try to buy Canadian made products and services over those made elsewhere first, and do so as often as possible. While it’s not realistic to buy Canadian only, sourcing for better quality, and for things that support all Canadian is. It makes sense to support the Made in Canada movement and build a stronger Canadian community!

Over the years Canada has witnessed the growth of a grassroots movement towards buying more locally made products and services. In my opinion it appears the “consider first” practice of outsourcing is being revised; people and businesses are aiming for a more balance, better quality approach – That’s Made in Canada!

This blog is a simple personal way to “Find My Canada”.

You might be interested in the “Made in Canada Project“, it lists some resources, as well as initiatives of our government, to help benefit everyone!

Made in Canada: The standards to label products as Canadian

If you have some input, a question, or are interested in contributing in some way, please feel free to reach out by visiting the Find My Canada Contact Page.

Logo of Find My Canada for the
Find My Canada!